John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

Unplugging Mower, Bagger, or Material
Collection System
CAUTION: Do not attempt to unplug attachment with machine
RRoottaattiinngg bbllaaddeess aarree ddaannggeerroouuss.. SShhuutt ooffff tthhee eennggiinnee aanndd
rreemmoovvee tthhee kkeeyy bbeeffoorree ggeettttiinngg ooffff tthhee sseeaatt ttoo iinnssppeecctt tthhee
mmaacchhiinnee aanndd aattttaacchhmmeenntt..
TThhrroowwnn oobbjjeeccttss ccaann ccaauussee sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy.. MMaakkee ssuurree aallll
mmaacchhiinnee ppaarrttss aarree ssttooppppeedd bbeeffoorree rraaiissiinngg hhooppppeerr ttoopp oorr
rreemmoovviinngg cchhuutteess..
Checking For Plugging While Driving
If grass builds up in front of mower discharge chute, check for plugged
chute or problems with blower assembly (if equipped).
If there is a trail of clippings behind mower or clippings blow to the side,
check for plugged chute, full collector bags, or problems with blower
Removing Debris From Inspection Points:
CAUTION: Do not use hands or feet to clear plugged mower
deck or blower assembly. Stored energy can cause blades to
1. Park machine safely. Wait for all moving parts to stop before getting
off to inspect machine.
2. Open hopper cover. Check chute outlet.
3. Remove chute from mower deck or blower assembly. Check chute
4. Check under mower deck for debris.
Moving Machine by Hand
CAUTION: When the bypass valve is open, the machine will
have unrestricted motion.
DDoo nnoott ooppeenn tthhee bbyyppaassss vvaallvvee wwhheenntthhee mmaacchhiinnee iiss ssttooppppeedd
oonn aann iinncclliinnee ttoo pprreevveenntt iittffrroomm ggooiinngg ddoowwnnhhiillll oouutt ooff ccoonnttrrooll..
IMPORTANT: Transmission damage may occur if the machine is
towed or moved incorrectly:
MMoovvee mmaacchhiinnee bbyy hhaanndd oonnllyy..
DDoo nnoott uussee aannootthheerr vveehhiiccllee ttoo mmoovvee mmaacchhiinnee..
DDoo nnoott ttooww mmaacchhiinnee..
1. Unlock the park brake.
2. Put automatic transmission shifter into center position.
3. On automatic and hydrostatic Models: Pull out on bypass rod (A).
4. Push machine to desired location.
IMPORTANT: Hydrostatic transmission might be damaged if the
bypass rod is not pushed back to operating position before
attempting to start the engine. Do not start or operate the
machine with the bypass rod in the pulled-out position.
5. Push bypass rod back in.
6. Lock the park brake.
Transporting Machine on Trailer
NOTE: Trailer capacity must exceed combined machine weight and
attachment weight. (See Specications section in operator’s
Be sure the trailer has all necessary lights and signs required by law.
CAUTION: Use extra care when loading or unloading the
machine onto a trailer or truck.
PPaarrkk ttrraaiilleerr oonn aa lleevveell ssuurrffaaccee..
UUssee ooff aa ttrraaiilleerr wwiitthh ssiiddeess iiss rreeccoommmmeennddeedd..
KKeeeepp wwhheeeellss aawwaayy ffrroomm ddrroopp--ooffffss aanndd eeddggeess..
BBaacckk sslloowwllyy aanndd iinn aa ssttrraaiigghhtt lliinnee..
CClloossee ffuueell sshhuutt--ooffff vvaallvvee,, iiff yyoouurr mmaacchhiinnee iiss eeqquuiippppeedd..
DDoo nnoott sseeccuurree mmaacchhiinnee uussiinngg ooppttiioonnaall bbuummppeerr aass tthhiiss ccaann
ddiissllooddggee dduurriinngg ttrraannssppoorrtt..
IMPORTANT: Transportinga machine on a trailer or on a truck bed at
high speeds can result in hood or engine cover raising and
possibly coming off machine if not secured.
PPoossiittiioonn mmaacchhiinnee oonn ttrraaiilleerr ssoo hhoooodd oorr eennggiinnee ccoovveerr ooppeennss
ffrroomm rreeaarr ooff ttrraaiilleerr ttoo pprreevveenntt wwiinndd ffrroomm bblloowwiinngg hhoooodd oorr
ccoovveerr ooppeenn..
SSeeccuurree hhoooodd oorr eennggiinnee ccoovveerr wwiitthh eexxiissttiinngg mmaacchhiinnee lloocckkss
oorr llaattcchheess..
SSeeccuurree hhoooodd oorr eennggiinnee ccoovveerr wwiitthh ttiiee ddoowwnn ssttrraappss iiff nnoo
lloocckkss oorr llaattcchheess eexxiisstt..
1. Park trailer on a level surface.
2. Raise mower deck, if installed, before driving machine onto trailer.
3. Drive machine onto heavy-duty trailer. Position machine on trailer so
hood or engine cover will not raise in wind while being transported.
4. Lower mower deck completely.
5. Lock park brake.
6. Turn off machine and remove key.