John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

Twin cylinder engine shown
4. Remove dipstick (A). Wipe with clean cloth.
5. Install and tighten dipstick.
6. Remove dipstick.
7. Check oil level on dipstick. Oil must be between ADD and FULL
8. If oil level is low, add oil to bring oil level no higher than FULL mark on
dipstick. Do not overll.
9. Install and tighten dipstick. Lower hood.
Changing Engine Oil and Filter
IMPORTANT: Change the oil more often if the vehicle is used in
extreme conditions:
EExxttrreemmeellyy dduussttyy ccoonnddiittiioonnss..
FFrreeqquueenntt ssllooww oorr llooww--ssppeeeedd ooppeerraattiioonn..
FFrreeqquueenntt sshhoorrtt ttrriippss..
1. Run engine to warm oil.
2. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
3. Lift hood.
4. Remove closeout panels.
Twin cylinder engine shown
5. Put drain pan under drain valve (A).
6. Rotate and remove drain cap (B) and drain oil into oil drain pan. Allow
oil to drain completely.
7. Remove dipstick (C).
Twin cylinder engine shown
8. Replace oil lter (D), if equipped.
a. Wipe dirt from around oil lter.
b. Place a drain pan or funnel under lter tray.
c. Remove old lter and lter gasket and dispose of properly. Wipe
up any spilled oil.
d. Put a light coat of fresh, clean oil on the new lter gasket.
e. Install replacement oil lter by turning oil lter to the right
(clockwise) until the rubber gasket contacts lter base. Tighten
lter an additional one-half turn.
9. Install drain cap.
IMPORTANT: Do not overll. Overlling can cause smoking, hard
starting, fouling of spark plug, and oil saturation of air lter.
10. Add oil no higher than FULL mark on dipstick. Use approximately the
amount of oil listed in the Specications section. Do not overll.
11. Install dipstick.
Service Engine