John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

122 cm (48 in.) and 137 cm (54 in.) Mower Decks:
122 cm (48 in.) mower deck used for illustration
A —Deck Idler Pivot
B —Spindle Grease Fitting (3)
Lubricate the deck idler pivot (A) with a general all-purpose spray
Lubricate the three spindle grease ttings (B) with one or two shots of
general all-purpose grease.
Service Engine
Engine Warranty Maintenance Statement
Maintenance, repair, or replacement of the emission control devices and
systems on this engine, which are being done at the customer’s expense,
may be performed by any non-road engine repair establishment or
individual. Warranty repairs must be performed by an authorized John
Deere dealer.
Emission Control System Certication Label
NOTE: Tampering with emission controls and components by
unauthorized personnel may result in severe nes or penalties.
Emission controls and components can only be adjusted by EPA
and/or CARB authorized service centers. Contact your John
Deere Retailer concerning emission controls and component
The presence of an emissions label signies that the engine has been
certied with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and/or California Air Resources Board (CARB).
The emissions warranty applies only to those engines marketed by John
Deere that have been certied by the EPA and/or CARB; and used in the
United States and Canada in off-road mobile equipment.
Avoid Fumes
CAUTION: Engine exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide
and can cause serious illness or death.
Do not run an engine in an enclosed area, such as a garage,
even with doors or windows opened.
Move the machine to an outside area before running the
Engine Oil
Use oil viscosity based on the expected air temperature range during the
period between oil changes.
The following John Deere oils are preferred:
PLUS- 4™
Other oils may be used if above John Deere oils are not available,
provided they meet the following specication:
API Service Classication SJ or higher
Checking Engine Oil Level
IMPORTANT: Failure to check the oil level regularly could lead to
serious engine problems if oil level is out of the operating
CChheecckk ooiill lleevveell bbeeffoorree ooppeerraattiinngg..
CChheecckk ooiill lleevveell wwhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee iiss ccoolldd aanndd nnoott rruunnnniinngg..
KKeeeepp ooiill lleevveell bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ddiippssttiicckk mmaarrkkss..
SShhuutt ooffff eennggiinnee bbeeffoorree aaddddiinngg ooiill..
NOTE: Check oil twice a day if you run engine over 4 hours in a day.
Make sure engine is cold when checking engine oil level.
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2. Lift hood.
3. Clean area around dipstick to prevent debris from falling into
Service Engine