John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

5. Loosen knobs (A) and remove cover (B).
IMPORTANT: To prevent engine damage, do not allow any foreign
objects to fall into the carburetor air intake.
6. Inspect the paper lter element (C) without removing it. If the paper
lter element is damaged or dirty, replace with new lter:
Clean air cleaner basevery carefully, preventing any dirt from
falling into carburetor.
Carefully pull the paper element from the air cleaner seat (D).
Install new paper lter element back onto air cleaner seat.
7. Install air cleaner cover and tighten knobs. Do not overtighten.
8. Lower hood.
Checking and Cleaning Air Cleaner Elements
(D160 and D170)
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2. Let engine cool.
3. Lift hood.
4. Clean dirt and debris from the air cleaner cover.
5. Loosen two knobs (A) and remove cover (B).
IMPORTANT: Dirt and debris can enter the engine through a
damaged lter element:
DDoo nnoott wwaasshh ppaappeerr eelleemmeenntt..
DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo cclleeaann ppaappeerr eelleemmeenntt bbyy ttaappppiinngg aaggaaiinnsstt
aannootthheerr oobbjjeecctt..
DDoo nnoott uussee pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr ttoo cclleeaann eelleemmeenntt..
RReeppllaaccee eelleemmeenntt oonnllyy iiff iitt iiss vveerryy ddiirrttyy,, ddaammaaggeedd oorr tthhee
sseeaall iiss ccrraacckkeedd..
6. Pull lter assembly from air cleaner base (C). Inspect the foam
precleaner (D) without removing it. If the foam precleaner is dirty:
a. Remove it from the paper lter carefully.
b. Wash precleaner in a solution of warm water and liquid detergent.
Do not use oil.
c. Rinse precleaner thoroughly. Squeeze out excess water in a dry
cloth until precleaner is completely dry.
7. Inspect the paper lter element (E). If the paper lter element is
damaged or dirty, replace with new lter.
8. Clean air cleaner base very carefully, preventing any dirt from falling
into carburetor.
9. Install foam precleaner on paper lter element.
Service Engine