John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

The front blade tip must be specied distance lower than rear
blade tip.
Mower Deck Blade Outside Tips to Ground (Difference)
— Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–6 mm (1/8 -1/4 in.)
107 cm (42 in.) mower deck shown
c. Adjust mower deck level, if necessary, by turning the nut (G)
counterclockwise to lower the front of deck or clockwise to raise
front of deck.
Adjusting Mower Deck Wheels
IMPORTANT: The mower deck can be damaged if mower wheels are
adjusted wrong:
WWhheeeellss mmuusstt nnoott rriiddee oonnggrroouunndd ssuuppppoorrttiinngg mmoowweerr wweeiigghhtt..
CChheecckk wwhheeeell aaddjjuussttmmeenntt eeaacchh ttiimmee ccuuttttiinngg hheeiigghhtt iiss
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2. Inate tires to the correct pressure.
3. Lower mower deck to the desired mowing position.
NOTE: Bottom of wheels should be approximately 3-13 mm (1/8-1/2 in.)
from the ground.
4. Check each mower wheel position. Remove nut (A) and bolt (B), and
move mower wheel to proper hole.
A —38 mm (1.5-In.)
B —51 mm (2-In.)
C —64 mm (2.5-In.)
D —76 mm (3-In.) and above
5. Install bolts and nuts to lock wheels in position. Tighten nuts to
Mower Deck Wheel Nut — Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 lb-ft (34 N·m)
Testing Safety Systems
CAUTION: Engine exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide
and can cause serious illness or death.
Do not run an engine in an enclosed area, such as a garage,
even with doors or windows opened.
Move the machine to an outside area before running the
The safety systems installed on your machine should be checked before
each machine use. Be sure you have read the machine operator manual
and are completely familiar with the operation of the machine before
performing these safety system checks.
Use the following checkout procedures to check for normal operation of
If there is a malfunction during one of these procedures, do not operate
machine. See your authorized dealer for service.
Perform these tests in a clear open area. Keep bystanders away.
Testing Park Brake Switch
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2. Sit on seat.
3. Unlock the park brake.