John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

Using Accessories
Using the Power Port (If Equipped)
CAUTION: Safe operation requires your full attention. Do not
wear radio or music headphones while operating machine.
An electric power port (A) can be used for accessories. See your
authorized dealer.
Using CargO Mount System™
The front and rear CargO Mount System™ brackets (B) can be used for
easy attachment of selected optional equipment.
Use John Deere approved optional equipment only. See your Authorized
Service Center for approved optional equipment.
Choosing Mower Blades
Three types of mower blades are available for use with D series mowers.
3-N-1 blades. These are general purpose blades that are best suited
for side-discharge operation, but can be used with a bagger
attachment, or with a mulch cover installed. They are not designed for
optimal performance when bagging or mulching.
Bagger blades. These blades are designed for optimal performance
when used with bagger attachments.
Mulching blades. These blades are designed for optimal performance
when used with a mulch cover installed.
Mowing Tips
The following recommendations will produce the best lawn cut quality
and appearance:
Keep mower blades sharp. Dull blades will tear grass; tips of grass will
then turn brown.
Cutting grass too short may kill grass and let weeds grow easily. The
suggested nished cut height should be within specied height range.
Finished Cut Height Range — Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 - 2.75 in. (44 - 70 mm)
Adjust cutting height to remove only 1/3 of the grass at a time.
Do not mow wet grass.
Mow grass often. Short grass clippings will decay quickly.
Mow with engine at full throttle.
Adjust travel speed to match mowing conditions:
- Travel at slow speed when you mow thick, tall grass, make sharp
turns or trim around objects.
- Travel at moderate speed when you mow thin grass.
Use a different mowing pattern each time you mow. Overlap mowing
paths by specied distance.
Overlap Mowing Paths — Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 - 100 mm (2 - 4 in.)
Drive over ridges and through shallow ditches straight-on, not at an
Mow around the outside twice, then mow inside in straight passes.
Best cut is achieved when mowing in a straight line.
When mowing or mulching near pavement, overlap the pavement by
50 mm (2 in.) to allow clippings to dispense over grass.
A thick layer of mulched leaves can prevent sunlight from getting to
grass and smother it. Taller grass heights allow mulched leaves to
dispense easier in lawn. Mulch leaves several times if needed.
Use a thatcher in late spring or summer to pull up dead grass and
aerate ground.
For Mulching Mower: Shorter cut heights will provide better cut quality,
but may leave noticeable clippings. Higher cut heights will reduce
clippings, but cut quality may decline.
Service Intervals
Servicing Your Machine
IMPORTANT: Operating in extreme conditions may require more
frequent service intervals:
EEnnggiinnee ccoommppoonneennttss mmaayy bbeeccoommee ddiirrttyy oorr pplluuggggeedd wwhheenn
ooppeerraattiinngg iinn eexxttrreemmee hheeaatt,, dduusstt oorr ootthheerr sseevveerree
EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaann ddeeggrraaddee iiff mmaacchhiinnee iiss ooppeerraatteedd ccoonnssttaannttllyy
aatt ssllooww oorr llooww eennggiinnee ssppeeeeddss oorr ffoorr ffrreeqquueenntt sshhoorrtt ppeerriiooddss
ooff ttiimmee..
Please use the following timetables to perform routine maintenance on
your machine.
Park the vehicle safely. See Park Safely in the SAFETY Section.
Service Intervals
After First 8 Hours
Change engine oil.
Service Intervals