John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

2. Lift up on (A) on right side of seat.
3. Lean forward and slide seat forward or rearward to desired position.
Do not lean back on top of seat to push rearward.
4. Release seat adjustment lever to lock in position.
Lumbar Seat Adjustment (D160, D170)
Turn lumbar seat adjustment dials (B) on either side of seat to adjust
rmness of seat.
Adjusting Cutting Height
Cutting height can be adjusted from approximately 25 - 100 mm (1 - 4 in.)
in 6.4 mm (1/4 in.) increments. When mower deck is in transport position,
cutting height is approximately 100 mm (4 in.).
Detents allow the adjustment lever to be positioned at each indicated
mower setting, as well as the mid-point between each setting.
Mower Setting Approximate Cutting Height
1 25 mm (1 in.)
38 mm (1 1/2 in.)
2 50 mm (2 in.)
65 mm (2 1/2 in.)
3 75 mm (3 in.)
90 mm (3 1/2 in.)
4 (Transport) 100 mm (4 in.)
1. Put attachment lift lever into the slot adjacent to desired cutting
2. Adjust mower deck wheels.
Transporting or Getting On and Off Machine
Pull attachment lift lever all the way back to transport position or 100
mm (4 in.) cutting height.
Checking and Adjusting Mower Deck Level
CAUTION: Rotating bladesare dangerous. Before adjustingor
servicing mower:
DDiissccoonnnneecctt ssppaarrkk pplluugg wwiirree((ss)) oorr bbaatttteerryy nneeggaattiivvee ((--)) ccaabbllee
ttoo pprreevveenntt eennggiinnee ffrroomm ssttaarrttiinngg aacccciiddeennttllyy..
AAllwwaayyss wweeaarr gglloovveess wwhheenn hhaannddlliinngg mmoowweerr bbllaaddeess oorr
wwoorrkkiinngg nneeaarr bbllaaddeess..
NOTE: Mower deck wheels should not contact the ground when leveling
the mower deck.
Method One
1. Make sure machine is on a at, level surface.
2. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
3. Check that tires are inated to correct tire pressure. Tire pressure is
marked on the side of the tire.
4. Raise deck to highest position.
107 cm (42 in.) mower deck shown
5. Place three short 51 mm (2 in.) blocks of wood under the edges (A) of
the mower deck.
6. Lower mower deck to the 63 mm (2.5 in.) cutting height position.
For D130 models, lower deck to 57 mm (2-1/4 in.) cutting height
7. Check that the mower deck is level and lightly touching each of the
three wooden blocks.
If the rear of the mower deck is not touching the rear blocks, or is
sitting heavily on the blocks, adjust the rear lift links by turning the
leveling nut (B) on each lift link. The blocks should be able to