John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

5. Under left side panel near fuse block (K), and all wiring, including the
battery (L) and related wiring harnesses (M).
Charge and Connect Battery
CAUTION: The battery produces a ammable and explosive
gas. The battery may explode:
DDoo nnoott ssmmookkee oorr hhaavvee ooppeenn aammee nneeaarr bbaatttteerryy..
WWeeaarr eeyyee pprrootteeccttiioonn aanndd gglloovveess..
NNeevveerr cchheecckk bbaatttteerryy cchhaarrggee bbyy ppllaacciinngg aa mmeettaall oobbjjeecctt
aaccrroossss tthhee ppoossttss.. UUssee aa vvoollttmmeetteerr oorr hhyyddrroommeetteerr..
DDoo nnoott jjuummpp ssttaarrtt oorr cchhaarrggee aa ffrroozzeenn bbaatttteerryy.. WWaarrmm bbaatttteerryy
ttoo 116°CC ((660°FF))..
1. Remove and discard the tie strap from the positive (+) battery
2. Remove and discard the black protective cap from the negative (–)
battery terminal.
3. Charge the battery.
Battery Full Charge — Voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6 volts
4. Connect positive (+) battery cable (A) to battery.
5. Connect negative (–) battery cable (B).
6. Apply general purpose grease or silicone spray to terminal to help
prevent corrosion.
7. Slide red cover (C) over positive battery cable.
Check Tire Pressure
Check tire pressure. (See Checking Tire Pressure in the SERVICE
Adjust Mower Deck Level
Adjust mower deck level. (See Adjusting Mower Deck Level in the
OPERATING section.)
Check Engine Oil Level
Check engine oil level. (See Checking Engine Oil Level in the SERVICE
ENGINE section.)
Check Machine Safety System
Perform safety system check to make sure the electronic safety interlock
circuit is functioning properly. Perform all tests. (See Testing Safety
System in the OPERATING section.)
Break In Electric Engagement Clutch (If
1. Start engine and move machine to at level surface.