58 – English
4. Three-Point Link and Joints
Lubricate the three-point link and joints for cutting
height setting stay behind the right, front wheel.
Lubricate using an oilcan.
5. Driver’s Seat
Tilt the seat back.
Lubricate the lengthways adjustment mechanism
with the oilcan.
Lubricate the lengthways adjustment runners with
the oilcan.
6. Throttle and Choke Cables, Lever
Remove the right side cover of the lever housing
and open the engine cover. Lubricate the cables’
free ends with the oil can, even those by the
engine. Move the controls to the end points and
lubricate again.
Lubricate the joints, catches, and bearings for the
cutting unit’s control levers with an oilcan.
Replace the lever housing’s side cover.