C2674M-C (7/09) 47
1. Select the Holiday option.
Figure 41. Holiday Option
2. To display the Holiday List dialog box and do one of the following:
• On the front panel, press the SHIFT button and then press the Info button.
• On the remote control, press the Info button.
• Using the mouse, click the Info button.
The Holiday List dialog box opens.
Figure 42. Holiday List Dialog Box
3. To delete a holiday schedule, do the following:
a. On the front panel or remote control, press the up/down arrow buttons to highlight a schedule. Using the mouse, click a
b. On the front panel or remote control, press the up/down arrow buttons to highlight Delete, and then press ENTER. Using the
mouse, click Delete. The selected schedule is deleted from the list.
4. On the front panel or remote control, press the left/right arrow buttons to highlight Exit, and then press ENTER. Using the mouse,
click Exit. The List dialog box closes.