
C2674M-C (7/09) 11
Pelco’s representations regarding product features and performance are limited to those made in the specification sheet and installation/
operation manuals at the time the product was manufactured. Pelco does not represent or warrant that any upgrades to product hardware or
software will be made available in the future. When possible, Pelco will offer product upgrades to purchasers of its products.
1. All upgrades for Pelco software shall be free to the customer for the duration of the warranty period. This offer does not apply to software
that may be installed in a Pelco product that is licensed from another supplier. All other software, such as operating systems, drivers for
accessory devices, and so forth, shall be governed by the software manufacturer’s upgrade policy, even when said upgrades are necessary
to implement an upgraded version of Pelco software.
2. Whenever possible, software upgrades with detailed instructions shall be provided to the customer through Web site download. Pelco will
not be responsible for loss of data, losses due to downtime, or damage to product as a result of a customer attempting to perform an
3. Software upgrades are provided on CD/DVD or they can be downloaded at www.pelco.com (if available). All upgrades are provided to the
customer upon request at no charge.
4. It shall be the customer’s responsibility to procure necessary hardware to perform upgrades if required: CD/DVD drive and USB drive.
The USB drive must have sufficient capacity to accommodate the upgrade file. (The DX4500/DX4600 is not guaranteed to be compatible with
every USB drive.) For information about approved devices, contact Pelco Product Support at 1-800-289-9100 or 1-559-292-1981.
5. Pelco cannot guarantee that all future software versions will be backward compatible with earlier hardware platforms.
Pelco provides hardware options for upgrading the DX4500/DX4600 memory, channel input, analog video output, audio input capacity, and hard
disk storage. For information about DX4500/DX4600 upgrade options, refer to the DX4500/DX4600 product specification sheet. Hard disk
upgrades are available as follows:
1. Not all products are capable of being upgraded for additional hard drive space. For information about model upgrades, consult the relevant
installation/operation manual or Pelco Product Support.
2. If a hard disk upgrade is possible, it is available through Pelco at established prices and is subject to the usual 24-hour turnaround for service.
When a larger hard drive is being substituted for a smaller one, the smaller drive will be returned to the customer along with the upgraded unit.
While Pelco will perform all upgrades with the utmost consideration and care, Pelco cannot guarantee that any of the data and video stored on
the existing hard drives will not be lost or damaged. Pelco is not responsible for damage or loss of data.