Frequency range 0.01 Hz to 20 kHz.
Resolution 0.01 Hz for frequencies up to 100 Hz,
0.1 Hz for frequencies up to 1 kHz,
1 Hz for frequencies up to 20 kHz.
Frequency accuracy As frequency standard.
Distortion Less than 0.1% THD at 1 kHz.
Waveforms Sine to 20 kHz, triangle or square wave to 3 kHz.
Audio output The modulation oscillator signal is available on a front-panel BNC connector at a level of
2 V RMS EMF from a 600 Ω source impedance.
A front panel BNC connector is provided for external modulation input.
Input level 1 V RMS (1.414 V peak) sine wave for set deviation.
Input impedance
100 kΩ nominal.
Modulation ALC The external modulation input can be leveled by a peak leveling ALC system over the
input voltage range of 0.75 V to 1.25 V RMS sine wave. High and low indications are
reported as part of the instrument status when the input is outside the leveling range.
A carrier frequency sweep mode is provided. The sweep is defined by setting the start,
stop and frequency step size. The step time can be set from. A step or the complete
sweep may be triggered by the trigger input on the front panel, VXI backplane trigger,
message or VXI command. Sweep can be set to continuous.
Control parameters Start/stop values of carrier frequency, size of step and time per step.
Sweep time 50 ms to 10 s per step.
Linear sweep Frequency step size of 1 Hz minimum.
Logarithmic sweep Percentage increment of 0.01% to 50% in 0.01% steps.
Sweep mode Single, continuous or external trigger.
Trigger mode A trigger input is available on a front-panel BNC. A step or the complete sweep may be
triggered by the front-panel input, VXI backplane trigger or VXI command.
TCXO 10 MHz.
Temperature stability
Better than ±7 in 10
over the operating range 0 to 55°C.
Aging rate Less than ±1 in 10
per year.
External input Front-panel BNC connector accepts an input of 1 MHz or 10 MHz at 220 mV RMS to
1.8 V RMS into 1 kΩ.
Complies with revisions 1.3 and 1.4 of the VXIbus specification for message-based
Logical address Manual selection (1 - 254).
Device type A16 D16 message-based servant, programmable interrupter.
Protocol Word serial IEEE 488.2. Fast handshake not supported.
Connectors P1, P2 (highest slot of a 2-slot allocation).
TTLTRG Used to trigger sweep mode and step memory sequences.
CLK10 Not used.
Local bus Not used.
ECLTRG Not used.
Peak current & power
+24 V: +12 V: +5 V: -12 V: Total power:
Ipm 1.2 A 1.0 A 2.0 A 0.6 A 60 W max.
Idm 0.1 A 0.1 A 1.3 A 0.1 A
Cooling (per slot)
2.4 litre/s at 1 mm H
O backpressure for 10°C maximum temperature rise.
BITE (built-in test equipment)
LEDs on module's front panel indicate POWER OK (green), SYSTEM FAIL (red) and
RPP TRIP - Reverse Power Protection Tripped (red).
Complies with VXIbus revision 1.3/1.4 specifications below 1 GHz.