Performance data
The 3002 is a synthesized VXI signal generator covering the frequency range 9 kHz to
2.4 GHz.
The RF output can be amplitude, frequency, phase or pulse modulated. An internal
programmable AF source is capable of generating simultaneous two-tone modulation.
All functions can be controlled by an IEEE 488.2 message-based interface.
Range 9 kHz to 2.4 GHz.
Resolution 1 Hz.
Accuracy Equal to the frequency standard accuracy.
Range -137 dBm to +25 dBm (+19 dBm above 1.2 GHz).
When AM is selected, the maximum RF output level decreases linearly with increasing
AM depths to +19 dBm (+13 dBm above 1.2 GHz) at 99% depth.
Resolution 0.1 dB
Attenuator hold Selection of attenuator hold provides for uncalibrated level reduction of at least 10 dB
without the mechanical attenuator operating.
VSWR For output levels less than -5 dBm output VSWR is less than 1.3:1 for carrier
frequencies up to 1.2 GHz and less than 1.5:1 for carrier frequencies up to 2.4 GHz.
Output impedance
50 Ω SMA female connector to MIL 390123D.
Output protection
Protected from a source of reverse power up to 50 W from 50 Ω or 25 W from a source
VSWR of 5:1. Tripping of the reverse power protection circuit illuminates a front panel
LED and raises an interrupt. The protection circuit can be reset remotely.
Harmonics Typically better than -30 dBc for levels up to +7 dBm,
typically better than -25 dBc for levels 6 dB below the maximum specified output.
Non-harmonics (offsets >
3 kHz)
Better than -70 dBc for carrier frequencies up to 1 GHz,
better than -64 dBc for carrier frequencies above 1 GHz,
better than -60 dBc for carrier frequencies above 2 GHz.
Residual FM (FM off) Less than 4.5 Hz RMS in a 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz bandwidth at a carrier frequency of
1 GHz.
SSB phase noise Better than -124 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a 470 MHz carrier.
Typically -121 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a 1 GHz carrier.
ΦM on AM
Typically 0.1 radians at 30% depth at 470 MHz.
Internal and external modulation can be simultaneously enabled to produce combined
amplitude and frequency (or phase) modulation. Pulse modulation can be used in
combination with the other forms of modulation.
Accuracy over temperature range 17°C to 27°C
9 kHz to 1.2 GHz 1.2 GHz to 2.4 GHz
>−127 dBm
±1.0 dB ±2.0 dB
±1.2 dB
Temperature coeff. over temperature range 0°C to 55°C
9 kHz to 1.2 GHz 1.2 GHz to 2.4 GHz
<±0.02 dB/°C <±0.04 dB/°C