Ridge Tool Company Elyria, Ohio U.S.A www.seektech.com 43
SeekTech SR-60
Glossary -- Definitions
The impact of near-by fields, other conductors, magnetic flux, or other interference on a
circular electro-magnetic field. Distortion is detected by comparing the information from
the SR-60’s Tracing Line, Proximity Signal, Signal Strength, Measured Depth Display,
and Signal Angle readings. The Tracing Line will grow less focused in response to more
distortion in the detected field.
Distortion Line
A dashed line which is displayed when the Tracing Line’s distortion response property is
disabled. It can be used to analyze distortion in the detected field.
A property of the Tracing Line which shows the degree of distortion detected by
displaying a varying cloud of particles around the Tracing Line; the blurriness of the line
is proportional to the detected distortion. This property is enabled by default and can be
disabled in the display.
The number of times per second that an electro-magnetic field forms and collapses (or
shifts from positive to negative in the case of alternating current). Expressed in hertz
(Hz) (cycles per second), or in kilohertz (kHz) (thousands of cycles per second).
Guidance Arrows
The two arrowheads which represent detection from the gradient-coil antennas in the
“side-wheels” of the SR-60 antenna system. The Guidance Arrows provide an indication
of where the center of the field currently being traced lies.
‘In Use’ Frequency
The frequency the SR-60 is currently set to detect. The default ‘in use’ frequency is 33
kHz. The “in use’ frequency is selected using the Frequency Key from the set of
frequencies that are “Checked-Active”.
An advance in the science and art of locating underground utilities and Sondes through
the combination of multiple pieces of information in an integrated display. Depends on
Omnidirectional antenna arrays for real-time information.
Level Pointer
On the SR-60, a solid pointer which moves around a circular track indicating the current
Signal Strength being detected. See “Watermark”.
Master Frequency
The set of all frequencies that can be used on the SR-60. It is accessed through the
Frequency Selection sub-menu.
The calculated depth or distance to the Sonde or to the apparent center of the conductor
being traced. This is a virtual measurement and may be inaccurate if distortion is
present. Physical depth must be verified by potholing before excavating.
A distinct operating state or method in which a system can be used. The SR-60 has
three modes: Active Line tracing, Passive Line Tracing, and Sonde Locating.
A proprietary antenna technology which combines detection of electro-magnetic fields
on three axes simultaneously. The SR-60 uses two Omnidirectional antennas.
An advanced mode enabling the simultaneous search for signals on several frequency
bands simultaneously: <4kHz, 4-15 kHz and 15-35kHz