SSeeccttiioonn 77
Set VOM to measure resistance. Disconnect Wire
14A from the LPG Fuel Solenoid. Connect one meter
test lead to LPG Fuel Solenoid. terminal that Wire
14A was just removed from. Connect the other meter
test lead to a clean frame ground. LPG Fuel Solenoid.
coil resistance of approximately 30-32 ohms Should
be measured. Current draw of the LPG Fuel Solenoid
at nominal voltage Is approximately 380 milliamps or
0.380 amps.
1. If the solenoid energized in Step 1, proceed to Test 32.
2. If “Continuity” was not measured in Step 2 repair or replace
Wire 0 between the LPG Fuel Solenoid (FS) and the Ground
Terminal (GT) in the control panel.
3. If “Continuity” was measured in Step 2, repair or replace the
Fuel Solenoid (FS).
Figure 7-49. – Fuel Solenoid
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