• Primary NTP Address: Denes the IP address or domain name (up to 64
characters long) for the primary NTP server. (Default = undened.)
In order to use domain names for web addresses, DNS parameters
must first be defined as described in Section 5.9.5.
• Secondary NTP Address: Denes the IP address or domain name (up to 64
characters long) for the secondary, fallback NTP Server. (Default = undened.)
In order to use domain names for web addresses, DNS parameters
must be defined as described in Section 5.9.5.
• NTP Timeout: The amount of time in seconds, that will elapse between each
attempt to contact the NTP server. When the initial attempt is unsuccessful,
the Outlet Managed PDU will retry the connection four times. If neither the
primary nor secondary NTP server responds, the Outlet Managed PDU will wait
24 hours before attempting to contact the NTP server again.
(Default = 3 Seconds.)
• Test NTP Servers: (Text Interface Only) Allows you to send a time request to
the IP address or domain names dened via the Primary and Secondary NTP
Address prompts, or to a new address or domain dened via the Test NTP
Servers submenu. The Outlet Managed PDU will not store the response from
the IP address or domain, but will verify whether or not the target address or
domain is an NTP Server.
5.3.2. The Invalid Access Lockout Feature
When properly congured and enabled, the Invalid Access Lockout feature will
watch all login attempts made at the Network Port and serial Setup Port. If the port
exceeds the selected number of invalid attempts, then the port where the Invalid
Attempts occurred will be automatically disabled for a user-dened length of time
(Lockout Duration.) The lockout feature uses two separate counters to track invalid
access attempts:
• SetUp Port Counter: Counts invalid access attempts at the Setup Port. If
the number of invalid attempts at the port exceeds the user-dened Lockout
Attempts value, the port will be locked.
• Telnet, SSH and Web Browser Counter: Counts all invalid attempts to access
command mode via Telnet, SSH or Web Browser interface. If the number of
cumulative invalid attempts exceeds the user-dened Lockout Attempts value,
then the Network Port will be locked.