• Email Message: Enables/Disables email notication for this alarm.
(Default = On.)
The Email Message parameter offers four different options: On, Off,
On (Copy to All Triggers) or Off (Copy to All Triggers). If either of
the "Copy to All Triggers" options is selected, then email notification
for all other alarms will be switched On or Off as indicated by this
parameter. For example, If "Off (Copy to All Triggers)" is selected,
then Email notification will be disabled for all other alarms too.
• Address 1, 2, and 3: These parameters are used to select which of the three
email addresses, dened via the "Email Messages" menu (see Section 5.9.11,)
will receive the email alarm notication messages generated by this alarm.
The Address parameters can be used to select one, or any combination of the
addresses dened via the Email Messages menu. (Default = All On.)
If Email addresses have been previously defined, then the text
under the parameters will list the current, user defined email
• Subject: This parameter is used to dene the text that will appear in the
"Subject" eld for all email notication messages generated by this alarm.
(Default = "Alarm: Over Temperature (Initial)" or "Alarm: Over
Temperature (Critical)".)
• Load Shedding: Provides access to a submenu, which is used to congure
and enable the Load Shedding feature for the Over Temperature alarms.
When Load Shedding is enabled and properly congured, the Outlet
Managed PDU will switch specic, user-selected plugs On or Off whenever
the temperature exceeds the Alarm Set Threshold value. If the Auto
Recovery feature is enabled, the Outlet Managed PDU can also return these
user-selected plugs to their prior status, when the temperature falls below the
Alarm Clear Threshold value. For more information on the Load Shedding
Feature and Auto Recovery, please refer to Section 7.2.1.