6.7 Detailed Description of Commands
6.7.1 Frequency subsystem
:FREQuency[ :CW] <Numeric> <Freq term> or <Character>
Function Sets the carrier frequency.
Parameter <Numeric> = 0 Hz to 1040 MHz (MG3641A)
0 Hz to 2080 MHz (MG3642A)
<Character> = UP
Unit <Freq term>
(UP,DOWN:<Non term>)
Restriction None
:FREQuency[ :CW]?
Function Reads out the carrier frequency.
Response Carrier frequency
Restriction None
:FREQuency[ :CW]:STEP[ :INCRement] <Numeric> <Freq term>
Function Sets the frequency step value.
Parameter <Numeric> = 0 Hz to 1040 MHz (MG3641A)
0 Hz to 2080 MHz (MG3642A)
Unit <Freq term>
Restriction None
:FREQuency[ :CW]:STEP[ :INCRement]?
Function Reads out the frequency step value.
Response Frequency step value
Restriction None
:FREQuency:RELative <Boolean>
Function Turns ON or OFF the relative frequency display mode.
Parameter <Boolean> = ON or 1
OFF or 0
Unit <Non term>
Restriction None
Function Reads out the state of relative frequency display mode.
Response Relative frequency display mode = OFF
Restriction None
:FREQuency:OFFSet <Numeric> <Freq term>
Function Sets the frequency offset value.
Parameter <Numeric> = –7 GHz to 7 GHz
Unit <Freq term>
Restriction None