6.6 Initializing Device
The IEEE488.2 standard prescribes the 3-level initialization types: system, bus, and message initializations.
Level Initialization type Description
1 Bus initialization Initializes all the interface functions connected to the bus by the
IFC message transferred from controller.
2 Message initialization Invalidates a function that reports the initialization of the message
exchange of the device specified with a GPIB bus command SDC
or all GPIB devices specified with a VPIB bus command DCL and
end of the operation to the controller.
3 Device initialization Returns the device into the preceding state by *RST regardless of
the past use state.
6.6.1 Bus initialization
Bus initialization by IFC statement:
The interface function of all the devices connected to the GPIB bus line is initialized by placing the IFC line into the
active mode for about 100 µs. IFC is sent only by the system controller.
6.6.2 Message initialization
Message exchange initialization by DCL or SDC bus command:
All GPIB devices or only the specified device is initialized for message exchange. The message exchange initialization
is aimed at preparing so that a new command can be sent from the controller by initializing the message exchange
when the message exchange unit in the device cannot be controlled from the controller because another program
runs although the state set on the panel need not be changed.
DCL : Initializes the message exchange for all GPIB devices.
SDC : Initializes the message exchange only for the specified device.
6.6.3 Device initialization
Device initialization by *RST command:
The device function is returned to the preceding state regardless of the past use state. In the MG3641A/MG3642A,
it is returned in the same state set when the Preset key is pressed.
6.6.4 Device state at power-on
When the power is turned on, the MG3641A/MG3642A is set into the following states:
• The device is set into the state placed when the power is turned off last.
• The input buffer and output queue are cleared.
• The parser analyzer, execution controller, and response formatter are reset.