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5. Click . A red bookmark flag appears on the timeline.
Figure 62. Setting a Starting Bookmark
6. Locate the timeline slider at the end of the range you want to bookmark.
7. Click . The bookmark flag and the region between bookmarks turn gray.
Exporting a bookmarked region of video requires start and end bookmarks. If only one bookmark is set, video will not be marked for export.
8. Repeat steps 4-7 for each additional region you want to bookmark for that camera.
9. Click if you are in Live mode, or proceed to step 8 if you are in Search mode.
10. Click and follow the directions in Performing the Export on page 99.
This section describes how to clear bookmarks and includes the following topics:
• Clearing a Single Bookmark on page 93
• Clearing All Bookmarks on page 93
Clearing a Single Bookmark
To clear a single bookmark:
1. Select a bookmark flag from the timeline. The bookmark flag should change to a light green color.
2. Click to remove the selected bookmark.
Figure 63. Removing a Single Bookmark
Clearing All Bookmarks
To clear all bookmarks:
• Click Remove All Bookmarks.