C2630M-B (3/08) 237
ATM/POS event, linking multiple cameras to record 123
motion event, linking multiple cameras to record 123
video loss event, linking multiple cameras to record 124
lens, adjusting 49
mapping 210
motion detection zones 113
PC keyboard, using shortcuts to operate PTZ and lens functions 50
PTZ protocols 111
Coaxitron, DX8000PELCO-C
D protocol, DX8000PELCO-D
disable protocol, DX8000NO PTZ
P protocol, DX8000PELCO-P
recording modes 129
relay, linking to camera 38
remote setup using preset 95 51
remote, accessing programming features 55
removing from a view pane 40
scheduled recording mode, setting up 129
security levels 111
custom settings, examples of 139
customizing 129, 138
support for recording modes 140
supported for recording modes 139
settings, customizing 138
applying settings to all cameras 118
communications protocol 111
enabling/disabling camera 111, 145
expanded audio option 116
motion detection zones 113
name, customizing 111
pan, tilt, and zoom 111
picture 111
picture properties 112
PTZ locking auto-timeout 112
PTZ protocol 111
security level 111
security level, selecting 111
video loss detection 118
single, assigning to view pane 36
standard audio 114
zoom, adjusting 49
camera designator 44
camera event detection and repositioning
overview 124
camera mapping 210
camera, removing a linked alarm input 39
Capture Card
optional 210
capture card
analog output, setting up 210
Capture Card, displaying video 40
channel mapping 32
channel resolution 129
Coaxitron protocol 51
COM1communications properties 163
auxiliary, sending 58
compression, video 140
connecting DX8000 DVRs 109
D protocol 51
data bits 164, 165
data communications
dome devices, setting up 163
data packets 153
data retention time 209
data transmissions 153
camera 44
site 44
digital zoom control 22
disk space 22
disk status indicator 22
display mode
Live video 27
playback video 27
See pane/panel
DNS or WINS services, setting up 155
printed 16
Dome communications ports
setting up 163
Dual Display Card 32
dwell time 25
command descriptions 23
exiting application 23
overview of application window 20
DX8000 application
logging in to 17
DX8000 application window
panels 28
panes 28
DX8000, setting up 109
dynamic IP address
remote site 197
dynamic-link library (DLL) files
installing 183
dynamic-link library (DLL) files, updating 183
e-mail notification
overview 228
sending to groups 229
sending to individuals 228
video loss event, sending in response to 117
e-mail server 218