Maintaining Multiplexers
C-116800-A2-GN22-30 January 1997
Event Log Printer Problems
You may also be expecting alarms at the event log printer, but not receiving them. The software
configuration must accurately reflect the node (device) to which the alarm cable is connected. Use
the Display Node Configuration Parameters (dsncp) command, and select either Event log 1
configuration or Event Log 3 configuration. Enter the name or number of the node and check
the entries in the following fields:
• Event log printer node name. Check the name of the node to which the event log printer is
• Event log printer node number. Check the number of the node to which the event log
printer is connected.
• Group. Check the number of the network administration port (NAP) or the group that
contains the channel on a 719 NETWORKER to which the 6800 Series NMS is connected.
• Events sent to Event Log Printer. Check the status of the event type. Only event types
designated active are sent to the NMS.
If values are incorrect in any of these fields, correct the entries using the Change Node
Configuration Parameters (chncp) command.
External Systems Port Failure
You may encounter a communication problem when you try to connect to a multiplexer using the
External Systems task. This type of problem is not identified by an alert. To resolve the problem,
perform the following steps:
1. Check the hardware connections, as described in the section entitled General
Troubleshooting Procedures above.
2. Make sure the external system name you used to open the cut-through connection is an
external system configuration for the Series 700 multiplexer. Run the Edit External System
Configuration (edesc) command and check for your external system name entry. If it is not
a type of Series 700, correct it.
3. If the external system name is Series 700, and the problem persists, check the port group
number. The group number identifies an associated group of ports. This number must
coincide with the group number of the port that is used to communicate with the
multiplexer. Run the Edit Port Configuration (edpc) command and check the entry for your
group. The xx-yy designates the actual port that is used on the IPC card.
4. If the problem still persists, check the NAP speed. Communication cannot occur if the
NAP speed is incorrect. To check the NAP speed, do one of the following:
• If you are using a 74x multiplexer, check the NAP configuration at the multiplexer and
change it, if necessary.
• If you are using a 719 NETWORKER, at the ASCII terminal connected to the 719,
check the configuration via the 719 menu.
If, having done all this, the problem has not been solved, check the host processor for problems
associated with IPC-1600 card (see Chapter 8, Running Diagnostics).