COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-8 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
Optional Host Upgrade Packages
There are several optional features that the customer can elect to add to the NMS. These features
require the installation of the following Field Upgrade packages at the customer’s location:
The ANALYSIS NMS package provides cut-through to the ANALYSIS 5600, 5605, and
6510 network management systems. To communicate with these systems, an AT&T
Intelligent Ports Card Model 900 (IPC-900) must be installed in the host processor.
3270 Emulation Package
The 3270 Emulation package permits a full-feature or basic-feature workstation
connected to the Altos System 5000 host processor to emulate a 3270 terminal and
communicate with a Systems Network Architecture (SNA)-based processor.
16 Control Channel Package
A second DCP/MUXi circuit card for the Altos System 5000 host processor is supported.
This card provides an additional eight control channels for connecting control devices.
Token Ring Package
The Token Ring package provides support for customers with sites where there is an
existing Token Ring Local Area Network. The Token Ring, thus, would operate in place
of the default Ethernet transport layer and support SNMP trap importation and
cut-through to X11 R4 applications. No preinstallation actions are needed for the Token
Ring Network Interface Card (NIC), but you must install the driver software and run the
EISA Configuration Utility (ECU).
Automatic Backup and Restore Package
The Automatic Backup and Restore package provides support for automatically backing
up and restoring all the NMS database files and directories on a scheduled frequency. This
package requires the installation of a third hard disk on the host. This feature provides the
capability to maintain a “hot spare” system ready to run at short notice.
The ANALYSIS NMS, the 3270 Emulation, and the 16 Control Channel packages for the Altos
System 5000 require the installation of circuit cards in the host processor. The following sections
describe each upgrade package and explain how to configure the strap settings on the circuit cards
and third hard disk. For instructions on installing the circuit cards, see the section entitled Optional
Host Upgrade Procedures.
The 16 Control Channel package cannot be installed on the Altos
System 5000 in conjunction with either or both of the ANALYSIS or
3270 Emulation packages.
The Automatic Backup and Restore package consists of both hardware and software installation.
The hardware installation requires installing a third 520 Mb hard disk on the Altos 5000 host
processor with preinstallation steps as well as actually installing the physical drive in the Altos
5000 disk bay. The software portion of this package is documented in the section, Formatting the
Third Hard Disk, in Chapter 5.