COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
5-50 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
UIP Software
The section describes the steps to install the UIP software into the Altos System 5000. The UNIX
software must be installed before the UIP software is installed. If adding the optional IPC-1600
card to the UIP, you need to reload the UNIX and UIP software (refer to the earlier section on
loading the UNIX Software for the UIP.)
If the UIP was previously installed and active, you must first stop it
via the
login, then select Option 2, Stop the System, from the
NMS Main Menu.
To install the UIP software, you need the floppy disk labeled 6800 UIP Application Volume 6 and
the tape labeled 6800 UIP Application Volume 7.
1. At the UIP login,
TYPE: root
PRESS: Enter
The system cannot be installed from any other user login.
2. Set the system date and time by entering the command
date MMDDhhmmyy
where MM is the month, DD the day, hh the hour (24-hour system), mm the minute, and
yy the last two digits of the year (this is optional).
3. Set the proper time zone by entering the command
The system prompts:
Are you in North America? (y/n)
TYPE: y (as appropriate)
PRESS: Enter
The system displays a list of time zones for the area, North America if you answered y to
the question above, and prompt:
Enter the number that represents your time zone of enter q to quit:
TYPE: the number of the appropriate time zone
PRESS: Enter