Performing Migration
7-356800-A2-GN22-30 January 1997
2. At the Password: prompt,
TYPE: root password
PRESS: Enter
3. At the pound sign (#) prompt,
TYPE: ksh /usr/nms/adm/installDb
PRESS: Enter
The AT&T Paradyne NMS Parameters menu (Figure 7-7) appears.
AT&T Paradyne NMS Parameters:
1 Initialize ONLINE Partition n
2 Initialize NMS Database n
3 Include Migration Data n
4 Rebuild NMS Database Indices n
cont To Continue
quit To abort
If you wish to modify the NMS parameters
Enter number (1,2,3,4,cont or quit):
Figure 7-7. AT&T Paradyne NMS Parameters Menu (Release 4.0 Database Migration)
4. If the INFORMIX OnLine partition has not been initialized since NMS installation,
PRESS: Enter
to select Initialize ONLINE Partition. The following message appears:
Do you wish to initialize the ONLINE partition? (y/n) [n]:
5. To initialize the partition,
PRESS: Enter
A warning will appear. To proceed,
PRESS: Enter