Loading and Restoring Software
5-896800-A2-GN22-30 January 1997
3. Make the NMW directory the current directory. To do this,
TYPE: cd \nmw
PRESS: Enter
4. Locate the NMW program disk and insert it into Drive A.
5. Copy the NMW program files from the disk in Drive A to the hard disk (Drive C). To do
this, at the C> prompt,
TYPE: copy a:\nmw
PRESS: Enter
6. Return to the root directory. To do this,
TYPE: cd \
PRESS: Enter
7. In the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, add a path statement or modify its existing path statement to
include the NMW directory created in Step 2. If you do not have an AUTOEXEC.BAT file,
you must create one and enter the path in it that includes the NMW directory. To perform
either task,
• Use an available text editor such as EDIT or EDLIN to create a new AUTOEXEC.BAT
file or modify an existing AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
• Use the text editor to enter the following line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
or add
to an existing path= variable
8. Once you have created a path with the NMW directory in it, you must execute the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to allow the new path to take effect. To do this,
TYPE: autoexec
PRESS: Enter
9. To run the NMW program,
TYPE: win /r nmw
PRESS: Enter