COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
5-82 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
The Token Ring Packet Driver installation requires the XONE
Xserver software package by GrafPoint to be installed on this
processor before install the Token Ring Packet Driver.
Press the Ctrl key and the letter ‘C’ (Ctrl-C) to exit or
Press any key to continue . . .
PRESS: Enter
25. The following message appears,
About to add the files IBMTOKEN.COM and STARTPKT.BAT to
C:\XONE\PACKET directory
Press the Ctrl key and the letter ‘C’ (Ctrl-C) to exit or
Press any key to continue . . .
PRESS: Enter
26. The following message appears:
About to add the line – C:\XONE\PACKET\STARTPKT to
the AUTOEXEC.bat file
Press the Ctrl key and the letter ‘C’ (Ctrl-C) to exit or
Press any key to continue . . .
PRESS: Enter
27. The system displays the following confirmation:
The line has been appended to C:\AUTOEXEC.bat
** Remember to reboot the processor for these changes to take effect.
End of Token Ring Packet Driver Installation
28. Press the reset button to reboot the full-feature workstation. At the end of the boot process,
the message IBMTOKEN – initialization complete appears, signifying that the NIC has
initialized, opened, and inserted itself into the ring correctly.
Network Configuration of Full-Feature Workstation
The NMS full-feature workstation needs to know about the other processors on the network that it
will communicate with. This information is stored in a file, \XONE\HOSTS, which must contain
the name of each processor and its associated IP address. To configure the full-feature workstation
for proper communication on the LAN, you must do the following:
1. If using the basic network configuration for the Altos 5000 platform supplied with the
PRESS: Enter
Stop here. There are no further steps in the basic network configuration process.