COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
5-84 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
2. Using the vi editor, add the IP address and the name of the router port connected to the host
or UIP to the /etc/hosts file in the format:
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn port_name
Where: nnn is a number from 1 to 255 inclusive.
port_name is the name of the router port.
3. Using the vi editor, add the following line at the bottom of the /etc/rc2 file:
route add default port_name 1
Where: port_name is the name of the router port.
4. The command change in Step 3 takes effect when the host or UIP is rebooted. If you want
it to take effect immediately,
TYPE: route add default port_name 1
Where: port_name is the name of the router port.
PRESS: Enter
5. On the full-feature workstation, edit the \/X-ONE\/HOSTS file and add the IP address and
name of both the router port to which the full-feature workstation is connected and the
router port to which the NMS host or UIP is connected in the format:
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn port_name
Where: nnn is a number from 1 to 255 inclusive.
port_name is the name of the router port.
6. On the full-feature workstation, edit the \/X\/ONE\/TCP.CFG file and set up the default
route for the remote port to which the full-feature workstation is connected and the local
port to which the NMS host or UIP is connected. Add the following lines:
name=remote_port_name ; gateway=1
name=local_port_name ; gateway=2
Where: remote_port_name is the name of the router port to which the full-feature
workstation is connected.
local_port_name is the name of router port to which the NMS host or UIP is
Be sure that there is a space both before and after the semicolon.