Running Diagnostics
8-116800-A2-GN22-30 January 1997
8. You now have to create a config.sys file to allow the IPC device drivers to be
automatically loaded when the system is booted. To do this, at the A:> prompt,
TYPE: copy con: config.sys
The cursor will advance to the next line and await input. At this point, whatever you type
on the keyboard will be put into a buffer and then written to a file named config.sys.
Enter the following lines into the config.sys file
TYPE: device=ipc16dos.sys
buffers = 10
PRESS: Enter
after each line. When complete,
PRESS: Enter
to signal end of input; ^ Z will appear on the display.
9. With the newly created diagnostic disk in the drive, boot the system to load the device
drivers. For the Altos 5000 (Figure 8-1) select Option 2 at the Boot Menu to boot from
the floppy. For the Altos 15000, no further action is needed to reboot. During reboot you
should see messages referring to the driver for the IPC-1600. (For more detailed
information, refer to the AT&T Intelligent Ports Card Model 1600 (IPC-1600) User’s
10. To execute the diagnostic tests
TYPE: ipc16dia
PRESS: Enter
The IPC Diagnostics screen appears.
11. You have to enter the correct I/O address, memory address, and interrupt request (IRQ) in
the appropriate fields on the IPC-1600 Diagnostic screen. For a valid IRQ and I/O
address, refer to Table 2-1 (for 5000 host) and Table 2-5 (for 15000 host). Use the
memory address A0000.
Once you have selected the I/O address, memory address, and IRQ, the names of the six
tests are displayed on the screen.
12. To run a test, enter the number of the test. As you can see, this screen keeps a record of
the number of times each test was executed, the number of times each test passed, and
the number of times each test failed. (For additional details about the tests, refer to the
AT&T Intelligent Ports Card Model 1600 (IPC-1600) User’s Guide.)
13. When you have finished running all appropriate diagnostics,
to terminate the program.