DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-545test analog-testcall
Feature Interactions
With the enhancement of multiple maintenance users, there may be a possibility
of two users attempting to test the same physical hardware (for example, one via
the test alarms command and another through the test board command). If this
command should attempt to test a board that is currently being tested by another
user, a error message is displayed.
test analog-testcall
This command will place an analog test call on a trunk or a group of trunks.
test analog-testcall [ trunk group number
/member number
| port location | board
location ]
[ full | supervision | no-selftest | no-return-loss | no-st-or-rl ][ repeat
number ] schedule
The following logins may execute this command: system technician, inads, cust,
test analog-testcall trunk 78 f
test analog-testcall trunk 78 f schedule
test analog-testcall trunk 80/1 s r 2
test analog-testcall trunk 80/1 s r 2 schedule
test analog-testcall trunk 78/2 no-selftest r 10
test analog-testcall trunk 78/2 no-selftest r 10 schedule
test analog-testcall trunk 78 r 4
test analog-testcall trunk 78 r 4 schedule
test analog-testcall port 2a1505 no-st-or-rl r 4
test analog-testcall port 2a1505 no-st-or-rl r 4 schedule
test analog-testcall board 2a15
test analog-testcall board 2a15 schedule
test analog-testcall port 2a1505 no-return-loss
test analog-testcall port 2a1505 no-return-loss schedule
te an t 80
te an t 80 schedule