DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1073PI-SCI (System Communication Interface)
PI-SCI (System Communication
The "test interface long" command resets the PI-BD and causes all
ISDN-PRI and BX.25 links to come down.
The PI-SCI (System Communication Interface) MO is used to put the TN765
Processor Interface circuit pack into a state such that BX.25 (DCS, AUDIX, etc.)
and ISDN links can be established. The TN765 Processor Interface circuit pack
has downloadable firmware. It is the responsibility of PI-SCI to download the
firmware to the TN765 circuit pack during initialization. Failures while
communicating with the TN765 circuit pack are logged against the PI-SCI MO.
There can be up to two SCIs. There is a one-to-one correlation of PI-SCI to
Processor Interface circuit packs. In a High or Critical Reliability system, there
can be four Processor Interface circuit packs, but only two on the same carrier
are active at any one time. If errors against the SCI can be related to the
Processor Interface circuit pack, then the circuit pack MO is alarmed (PI-BD).
See also PI-LINK (Processor Interface Link) and PI-BD (Processor Interface
Circuit Pack) Maintenance documentation.
When investigating BX.25 (DCS, AUDIX, etc.) and ISDN link problems, resolve
PI-SCI errors initially, since they might clear up the Processor Interface link
1. Where P is the port network number (1 for PPN only); C is the carrier designation (for example, A
or B for processor complex circuit packs); and S is the address of the slot in the carrier where the
circuit pack is located (for example, 1 or 2 for Processor Interface circuit packs 1 or 2).
2. For additional repair information, see also PI-BD (Processor Interface Circuit Pack) Maintenance
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Initial Command to
Full Name of MO
MAJOR test interface PCS System Communication Interface