DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1510TONE-PT (Tone Generator)
c. Error code 115 may also be caused by TDM Bus corruption. This normally
means a physical problem with bent backplane pins, TDM/LAN Bus
cabling, or TDM/LAN Bus terminators. Such physical problems should
especially be suspected if board replacement or other physical activity
has occurred just before this error is observed.
Use display errors to look for errors on other circuit packs in the carriers
of the same Port Network as the indicated Tone-Clock. If any are found,
they should be resolved if possible, and the Tone-Clock circuit pack
retested. If this does not clear the problem, the Tone-Clock circuit pack
should be replaced and the new one tested. If the problem persists, follow
instructions for TDM Bus maintenance in this manual.
Tone Generator Update/Audit Test (#41)
The active tone generation facility is refreshed with all the time slot tone
information. This test also triggers in-line error messages the Tone-Clock circuit
pack generates when it detects problems by itself.
A check is also made between the type of tone-clock being tested and the type
of tone-clock needed based on system administration. The administration on the
system-parameters country-options form may imply that a TN780 or TN2182 is
Table 10-451. TEST #41 Tone Generator Update/Audit Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
none ABORT The system was not able to allocate all the resources
needed for this test.
2100 ABORT System resources required for this test are not available.
1 FAIL The system requires a TN780 TN2182 tone-clocks to
support the currently administered country-options tone
generation parameters.
1. Check the administration on the system-parameters
country-option form. Specifically, the Base Tone
Generation Set on page 1 and any custom tone
administration beginning on page 2.
2. Replace existing tone-clock circuit packs with a
TN780 or TN2182.
Continued on next page