DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-393DATA-CHL (Network Control Data Channel)
This test prevents any control stimuli from being received from or sent to the TDM
Bus control channel preventing the establishment of new connections over the
DATA-CHLs. However, existing connections are not (and cannot) be dropped.
Data Channel Remote Maintenance Loop Around
Test (#109)
This test verifies the integrity of the entire DATA-CHL (that is, the software, dual
port RAM, and hardware that compose it). It verifies that a connection can be
established over the DATA-CHL and that the DATA-CHL can correctly send and
receive data over the connection (that is, over the TDM Bus). The test actually
involves two DATA-CHLs: the DATA-CHL that is the target of the test and a
second, arbitrary, unbusy DATA-CHL. A connection is set up by placing a call
out from the arbitrary DATA-CHL and into the target DATA-CHL. Data is looped
over the connection in each direction (that is, the target DATA-CHL is tested as
both a sender of data and a receiver of data). The test checks that the data
received by one DATA-CHL is the same as the data that was sent by the other
Because it establishes a connection between two Network Control Data
Channels (DATA-CHLs) across the TDM Bus, this test does more than just verify
the integrity of the target DATA-CHL. It also verifies the integrity of the
DATA-CON (by establishing the connection) and of the TDM Bus and
Tone-Clock circuit pack (by sending and receiving data).
Table 10-109. TEST #108 Data Channel Dual Port RAM Test
Result Description/Recommendation
1000 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2020 ABORT Refer to “STBY-SPE” for a description of these error codes.
FAIL The DATA-CON dual port RAM is not functioning correctly. Either the
software cannot correctly read from it and/or write to it or the hardware
cannot correctly read from it and/or write to it. Connections cannot be
established over the DATA-CHLs.
1. Execute the command again.
2. If the problem persists, replace the TN777 Network Control circuit
pack. After the Network Control circuit pack has been replaced, its
Time-of-Day clock must be set using the set time command.
PASS The DATA-CON dual port RAM is functioning. Connections can be
established over the DATA-CHLs.
Continued on next page