DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1255STBY-SPE (Standby SPE)
STBY-SPE (Standby SPE)
A high or critical reliability system contains two switch processing elements
(SPEs). The first such element is known as the Active SPE. The Active SPE is
currently responsible for all call processing, administration, and maintenance
activities that are being performed by the system. The other SPE is known as the
Standby SPE. The Standby SPE becomes the Active SPE whenever the current
Active SPE fails. The Standby SPE does not perform call processing or
administration activities. However, it does perform maintenance activities, but
these activities are carried out completely under the direction of the Active SPE in
order to monitor and maintain the health of the Standby SPE.
Verify that the Standby SPE is functional (no duplication alarms exist and
the SPE has returned to the Standby Mode) by running the status
system 1 command. If the standby SPE is in the maint/idle mode with no
standby alarms, use the standby refresh command to put the standby SPE
into the standby mode. Verify the results by using the status system 1
The Standby SPE is always in one of three modes: Standby, Maintenance, or
Down. Usually, the Standby SPE is in Standby Mode. In this mode,
1. The Switch Control (SW-CTL) on the Standby SPE Network Control circuit
pack is isolated from the TDM Bus so that it does not interfere with
attempts by the Switch Control on the Active SPE Network Control circuit
pack to control the TDM Bus
2. The Standby SPE (PKT-CTRL) Packet Control circuit pack is isolated from
the Packet Bus to prevent interference with the activity on the Active SPE
Packet Control circuit pack
3. The Standby SPE (PROCR) Processor is held in a reset state so that it
does not run software
4. The 12 volt power supply on the Standby SPE Network Control circuit pack
(TN777B) can not be turned on when the Standby SPE Processor is held
in the reset state
5. Standby SPE Memory (MEMORY in a 386) is shadowed from Active SPE
Memory. This means that Standby SPE Memory is updated to reflect every
change in Active SPE Memory (for example, calls and administration
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Level Initial Command to Run Full Name of MO
STBY-SPE WARNING status system 1 Standby SPE
STBY-SPE MAJOR test spe-standby Standby SPE