DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to
run this test.
1. Retry the command at one-minute intervals a
maximum of five times.
2. If the test continues to abort, escalate the problem.
2068 ABORT The endpoint has rejected the switch sent application
message. This indicates that the endpoint does not
support the ISDN-BRI Management and Maintenance
Procedure for Endpoint Service Messages.
1. Use the change station extension command and
change the MIMs Supported? field to "no."
2069 ABORT The endpoint has returned an error response to the
switch sent application message.
1. Retry the command at one-minute intervals a
maximum of five times.
2. If the test continues to abort, escalate the problem.
2000 FAIL No response is received from the endpoint or the
adjunct. For BRI endpoints:
1. Consult the endpoint documentation to determine if
ISDN-BRI Management and Maintenance
Procedures are supported. If not supported, use the
change station extension command to change the
"MIMs Supported?" field to "no." Use the busyout
station extension and release station extension
commands to busyout and release the endpoint to
resolve any endpoint alarms resulting from failure of
this test.
2. If the endpoint supports these procedures and the
test continues to fail, assume the endpoint is
defective and replace it.
PASS The endpoint has successfully responded to the
switch’s application message.
Table 10-69. TEST #629 BRI Layer 3 Query — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page