Checking/adjusting valve clear-
e Caution:
Never unscrew the spark plugs before measuring
valve clearances. Particles of oily soot could be-
come lodged behind an exhaust valve head and fal-
sify the measurement.
Remove left side section of fairing.
Remove the cylinder head cover.
Remove cover for Hall-effect transmitter.
Turn the engine only at the crankshaft (direction
of rotation: anti-clockwise).
Measure valve clearance with feeler gauge.
Max. engine temperature 35 °C.
Determine size of replacement tappets by com-
paring desired and actual measurements.
Valve clearances:
Inlet.....................0.15…0.20 mm (0.006…0.008 in)
Exhaust...............0.25…0.30 mm (0.010…0.012 in)
Adjusting valve clearances
The camshaft must be removed before the buck-
et tappets can be renewed.
Set cylinder 1 (timing end) to top dead centre on
the ignition stroke.
The adjusting device for the camshafts,
BMW No. 11 3 700, must enter the slots at the
end of the shafts.
Remove the screw plug in the timing case cover.
Hold the chain tensioner and timing chain with
eccentric tensioner, BMW No. 11 2 640.
Pull back tensioning pin (1) and screw in eccen-
tric (2) by 3…4 turns.
Push the tensioning pin forward above the timing
Turn the eccentric slightly to the right to locate
the timing chain and chain tensioner.
Secure the eccentric with locknut (3).
Remove the chain sprockets.
Remove the camshafts.
Renew the bucket tappets as necessary.
Assemble in the reverse order of work.
11 3 700