Adjusting CO value
L Note:
Engine must be at operating temperature (85 °C).
Basic settings (ignition timing, valve clearances)
must be correct.
Insert the measuring probe (arrow) app. 30 cm
(12 in) into the silencer (muffler).
e Caution:
Do not perform this measuring work in an enclosed
space: risk of asphyxiation.
L Note:
If the air extraction equipment is unsuitable, it may
falsify the measurement.
Run the engine at idle speed.
e Caution:
Adjusting screw (2) has no limit stop in both direc-
Turn adjusting screw (2) to obtain correct CO.
L Note:
Turn in direction (1) for a richer mixture; the CO value
will rise to a maximum. Turning further in direction (1)
has no effect on the CO value.
Turn in direction (3) for a leaner mixture; the CO val-
ue will drop to a minimum. Turning further in direc-
tion (3) will cause the engine’s emergency-run
programme to operate, but has no influence on the
CO value.
e Caution:
If the engine’s emergency-run programme operates,
fault 1111 will be memorised in the engine control
If necessary, carry out fault diagnosis, rectify the
fault and cancel the memory entry.
Using the BMW Synchrotester, adust idle speed
at the recirculating-air screws.
CO value................................... 1,5 ± 0,5 % by vol.
Idle speed
..........................................950 ± 50 rpm