Checking wheel for runout
Checking front wheel for runout
Install the wheel without tyre on the balancing
shaft, BMW No. 36 3 614, and balancing stand,
BMW No. 36 3 600.
When checking the front wheel, use a pin in the
balancing shaft to prevent it from turning in the
balancing stand.
To check the rear wheel, clamp retaining discs,
BMW No. 36 3 615, at left and right on the bal-
ancing shaft so that the shaft cannot wander to
and fro.
L Note:
Only apply dial gauge to machined inner face of
wheel rim.
Maximum wheel rim runout:
Vertical runout............................. 0.3 mm (0.012 in)
Lateral runout.............................. 0.3 mm (0.012 in)
Checking rear wheel for runout
Attach the rear wheel without tyre to mounting
device (2), BMWNo.363613, and secure on
the centering collar side with wheel studs.
Install balancing shaft (1), BMW No. 36 3 606,
with measuring socket (3), BMW No. 36 3 616.
L Note:
Centre the wheel on the balancing shaft with spac-
ing washers, e.g. Part No. 36 31 1 451 791.
Mount the wheel on balancing stand,
To check the rear wheel, clamp locating discs,
BMWNo.363615, on the balancing shaft at left
and right so that the shaft cannot wander to and
L Note:
Only apply dial gauge to machined inner face of
wheel rim.
Maximum wheel rim runout:
Vertical runout............................. 0.3 mm (0.012 in)
Lateral runout.............................. 0.3 mm (0.012 in)