Installing cylinder head cover
Screw fitted bolt, BMW No. 11 1 980, (arrow)
into inner hole at the front.
Press centring pin, BMW No. 11 1 990, with
gripper, BMWNo.005500, into locating hole
under the third camshaft bearing.
Insert gasket into cylinder head cover.
L Note:
Begin installation at the crescents (1).
The marks (arrows) on the cover and gasket
must agree at the front and rear.
First press in the crescent at the rear (transmis-
sion end).
Lightly coat the gasket groove and the crescent
areas in the cover with oil to facilitate installation.
Apply a little 3-bond 1209 in the joint area at the
top and bottom chain case cover - cylinder head
(surfaces free of grease).
Fit cylinder head cover with gasket over the cen-
tring tools onto the cylinder head.
Screw in all retaining bolts such that they are still
not under preload.
Firmly tighten retaining bolts crosswise working
from the inside towards the outside.
Remove fitted bolt and centring pin, screw in last
retaining bolt and firmly tighten.
X Tightening torque:
Cylinder head cover to cylinder head ............ 9 Nm
11 1 980
11 1990