This repair manual will help you to perform all the main maintenance and repair work correctly and efficient-
ly. If it is consulted regularly by workshop personnel it will form a useful addition to the theoretical and prac-
tical knowledge acquired at the BMW Training Centre. It is a contribution towards achieving even higher
Service quality.
All information in both text and illustrations refers to motorcycles in standard condition or with genuine
BMW accessories installed, and not to motorcycles which have been modified in any way to depart from
the manufacturer’s specification.
The repair manual is structured in the logical sequence of the work to be performed: Removal, Disas-
sembly, Repair, Assembly, Installation.
The entire contents are divided into individual chapters, corresponding to the Construction Groups.
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Chapter Page number within chapter
Work to be performed during an Inspection is described in Group “00”. The various inspection routines
are numbered I, II, III and IV. This numbering is repeated in the work descriptions which follow, so that
work can take place without interruption.
Use of the BMW special tools needed for certain tasks is described in the work instructions.
If the need arises, repair instructions are also issued in the form of Service Information. This information is
of course incorporated into the next issue of the repair manual. We also recommend, as an additional
source of information, the Electronic Parts Catalogue (ETC), which contains clear and easy-to-follow illus-
If the work described here is restricted to a particular equipment specification, for instance if a specific op-
tional extra (OE) is fitted, this is stated in square brackets at the start of the item concerned, e.g. [LT].
Please refer to the following pages as well for a description of other symbols used and how to work with it.
BMW AG Motorcycle Division
After Sales
Published by: BMW AG Motorcycle Division
After Sales
D - 80788 München
All rights reserved. Not to be reprinted, translated or duplicated either wholly or in part without prior written
Errors and omissions excepted; subject to technical amendment.
Produced in Germany