Changing oil in rear wheel drive
Inspections I, III, IV
Drain off oil with drive at operating temperature.
Oil drain plug (1)
Oil filler plug (2)
L Note:
Fill oil only up to the bottom-most thread turn of the
filler hole.
Oil content:
Initial filling ................................0.25 l (0.44 Imp.pt)
Oil changes.............................0.35 l (0.616 Imp.pt)
See service data for oil grades ............... Page 00.3
X Tightening torques:
Oil filler plug ................................................ 23 Nm
Oil drain plug................................................ 23 Nm
Changing oil in telescopic fork
Inspection I, III, IV
Support motorcycle on stand.
Unscrew oil filler plugs.
Release left and right oil drain plug (1).
Pump out oil by compressing forks several times.
Screw in oil filler plugs.
Lift vehicle with lifting gear, BMW No. 00 1 510,
until the front wheel can move freely.
L Note:
The load on the front wheel must be relieved to en-
sure as much air as possible flows in before the
fixed tubes are closed off with the filler plugs so as
to provide additional damping.
Fill with specified quantity of oil.
Close off fixed tubes.
Oil capacity, left.................................... 0.35 - 0.01 l
............................................(0.616 -0.0176 Imp.pt)
Oil capacity, right................................. 0.40 – 0.01 l
...........................................(0.704 - 0.0176 Imp.pt)
See service data for oil grades................Page 00.3
X Tightening torque:
Oil filler plugs ............................................... 20 Nm
Renewing intake air cleaner
Inspection III
Detach battery panel on right.
Remove right knee pad.
Detach right side section of fairing.
[LT] Take off intake air pipe.
Release clips (1) at front and rear.
Slightly raise casing cover, lift out air cleaner.
Install in the reverse order of removal.
L Note:
Note installation position of air cleaner. Lettering at
rear, arrow marking “TOP-OBEN”.