Press serrated washer (8) with eccentric shoul-
der into the chain guide rail spacing bushing by
a small amount.
Turn the serrated washer until the guide rail is
touching the outer edge of the cylinder head.
Press the serrated washer in fully and allow it to
engage at the two pins.
Secure the serrated washer with the small wash-
er and clip.
Remove the special tool.
Tighten the chain sprockets, holding the hexa-
gon on the camshaft to prevent it from turning.
X Tightening torque:
Chain sprocket............................................. 54 Nm
Checking valve clearances
Turn the engine over at the crankshaft (counter-
Measure valve clearance with feeler gauge.
Valve clearances:
Inlet.....................0.15…0.20 mm (0.006…0.008 in)
Exhaust...............0.25…0.30 mm (0.010…0.012 in)
If the valve clearance has to be corrected, re-
move the timing chain and camshaft again.
Renew the bucket tappets.