
34 Brakes
ABS pulse wheel 4
ABS sensor front/rear 4
Brake caliperto sliding tube/rear wheel drive 40
Brake line to brake caliper 18
Bleed screws at brake caliper front 14
Bleed screws at brake caliper rear 11
Brake hose to distributor 18
Brake hose to master brake cylinder 18
Brake disc to front wheel 24
Brake disc to rear wheel drive 21
Foot brake cylinder to foot rest plate 25
Locknut, adjusting screw foot brake cylinder 9
Distributor to fork bridge 6
Brake caliperto sliding tube/rear wheel drive 9
ABS unit to mounting 9
Bleed screw at ABS unit 9
Master brake cylinder to foot rest plate 9
Mounting pin to handbrake lever 8
36 Wheels and tyres
Quick-release axle threaded connection 33
Quick-release axle clamp screws 14
Brake caliper to fork slider tube/rear wheel drive 32
Wheel studs (tighten in the order stated):
1. All studs handtight
2. Preload the outer wheel studs in a crosswise pattern
3. Tighten the central stud
4. Tighten the outer studs
Model K 1100 LT K 1100 RS
Connection Nm