TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1 800 908 0884
2636 29
Gate does not open or close
Check all motor connections to be
fully engaged. Refer to page 15.
Check that limit switches are
connected to the common and
the normally close position.
Refer to page 17.
Check that the stop command
is not active. Refer to page 8
and 26.
Check that the UL command
(photo beam and/or edge
sensor) is not active. Refer to
page 6, 7 and 23.
Check that the vehicular loop
detectors are working properly.
Refer to page 20, 21 and 23.
Check that the radio command
is not active. Refer to page 24.
Ensure that you external
accessories are working
Automatic close does not function
Check that the trim pot of the
hold open timer is set to the
proper time delay. Refer to
page 29.
Note: Hold open timer closes
the gate automatically once the
gate reaches the limit open.
The time delay to close is set
by the trim pot.
To turn this system off turn the
trim pot all the way clockwise.
Gate opens in the opposite desired direction
Verify your motor cable is
connected to the proper
connector. Refer to page 15.
“Open” and “Close” LEDs blinking
Check all the limit switch
connections. Check that both
limit switches are not being
actuated at the same time.
Refer to page 17.
Check that both limit switches
are not disconnected. Refer to
page 17.
On a Master/Slave installation, one gate runs in the opposite direction
Check the motor and limit
switch wiring. Refer to pages
15 and16.
erify that one unit is
connected as open-left and one
unit is connected as open-
right. Refer to page 15.