Appendix D Status Codes
© National Instruments Corporation D-9 PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
-459 criticalResourceConflictErr A conflict was detected when trying to report base address
resources for this device.
-460 switchlessBoardErr NI-DAQ unable to find one or more Plug and Play (switchless)
boards you have configured using NI-DAQ configuration utility
(daqconf for DOS and wdaqconf for Windows).
-461 reservedPinErr Selected signal indicates a pin reserved by NI-DAQ for use by
NI-DAQ. You cannot configure this pin yourself.
-462 bufferNotInterleavedErr
You cannot use DMA to do transfer from two different
buffers for waveform generation. You can use interrupts
-463 gpctrInUseErr GPCTR cannot be used because some other application is
already using it.
-464 gpctrDataLossErr One or more data points were lost in course of buffered GPCTR
-465 updateRateChangeErr Update rate change with given parameters is not possible at this
time. When waveform generation is in progress, you cannot
change the update interval timebase. When you make several
changes in a row, you must give each change enough time to
take effect before requesting further changes.
-466 gpctrBufferConfiguredErr Attempt to configure buffer after a buffer has been configured.
You can configure buffer only once.
-467 gpctrBufOprnNotInProgErr No Buffered GPCTR operation is in progress.
-468 badFilterFreqErr The filter frequency parameter is invalid or out of range.
-469 sc2040HoldModeErr The specified operation cannot be be performed with SC-2040
configured in hold mode.
-470 sc2040InputModeErr When you have a SC-2040 configured to your device, all the
channels configured for DAQ should be in DIFFERENTIAL
-471 noSC2040ConfigErr No SC-2040 has been configured.
-472 DAQCardConfigErr Cannot configure DAQCard. Used by DAQCards only. There
could be several reasons why you would get this error:
(1) Proper version of card/socket services software is not
installed. Install the proper version of the card/socket services
(2) PC card in the specified PCMCIA socket is not a DAQCard.
(3) Base address and interrupt level request is not available
according to card services resource manager. Try other resource
settings or use AutoAssign in NI-DAQ configuration utility.
-473 partialTransferCompleteErr You cannot do another WFM_DB_Transfer after doing a
successful partial transfer.
-474 DMABufferAlignmentErr The buffer starts on an odd address. The DMA controller
requires it to be aligned on an even address.
-475 outputTypeMustBeVoltageErr The polarity of the output channel cannot be bipolar when
outputting currents.