Status Codes Appendix D
PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual D-2 © National Instruments Corporation
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
8 readOutputLine A digital line configured for output has been read.
7 relatedPortBusy Another port on the same chip is busy. Config and setup call
may corrupt its signal lines.
6 noPreTrigUnwrap Allocation of array to hold the final indices to use in unwrapping
pretrigger frames failed in MDAQ_Start.
5 calibrationErr A2000 gain and offset dac calibration failed during init.
4 readOutputPort A digital port configured for output has been read.
3 dupDMALevels Two or more boards have the same DMA level.
2 dupIntLevels Two or more boards have the same interrupt level.
1 dupIOaddrRange The address space of two or more boards overlaps.
0 noErr No error occurred; call was successful.
-60 notOurBrdErr The board in the specified slot is not a National Instruments data
acquisition board.
-61 badBrdNumErr The board parameter is out of range.
-62 badGainErr The gain parameter is out of range.
-63 badChanErr The chan parameter is out of range.
-64 noSupportErr Function cannot be executed by the specified board.
-65 badPortErr The port parameter is out of range or the port is busy.
-66 badOutPortErr The specified port has not been configured as an output port.
-67 noLatchModeErr Port does not support latched mode (config call).
-68 noGroupAssign The specified port cannot be assigned to a group.
-69 badInputValErr One or more input parameters are out of range.
-70 timeOutErr A/D conversion did not complete or timeout period has expired.
-71 outOfRangeErr Scaled input value is out of range.
-72 daqInProgErr Data acquisition is in progress; therefore, call was not executed.
-73 counterInUseErr The specified ctr is currently in use; therefore, call was not
-74 noDAQErr No data acquisition is in progress; call had no effect.
-75 overFlowErr A/D FIFO memory has overflowed as a result of a DAQ or
SCAN operation.
-76 overRunErr Minimum sample interval has been exceeded as a result of a
DAQ or SCAN operation.
-77 badCntErr The count does not conform to an integer multiple of
numChans (SCAN_Start call) or the count is not divisible by
2 when configured for double buffering.
-78 brdTypeErr Board type is incompatible with the function called.
-79 noCountOpErr The specified ctr is not configured for an event-counting
-80 ctrReservedErr The specified ctr is reserved for data acquisition operations