3-6 ENTERING DATA Before proceeding to the various modes of signal generator operation,
you need to know how to enter data from the front panel. Entering
data refers to changing a parameter’s value by editing its current
value or entering a new value to replace the current value. The follow
ing instructions describe how to (1) open a parameter, (2) edit its cur
rent value, and (3) enter a new value.
A typical 681XXC menu display (below) is used throughout the data
entry instructions. At this menu display, you can edit both the CW fre
quency and the output power level parameters.
If you wish to follow along on your 681XXC, you can obtain this same
menu display by resetting your instrument (press SYSTEM , then
press Reset ).
Opening the
In order for the value of a parameter to be changed,
the parameter must first be opened.
To open the frequency parameter from the above
menu, press Edit F1 . The menu display now
changes to show that the menu soft-key Edit F1 has
been pressed and that the frequency parameter has
been opened. An open parameter is indicated by
placing it in a window with a movable cursor under
its digits.
Only one parameter can be open at a time. If you
press Edit L1 then the frequency parameter will
close and the power level parameter will open.
3-18 681XXC OM