Under control of the Anritsu 360B Vector Network Ana
lyzer, the synthesized signal generator is phase-locked at a
typical <8.5 ms/step sweep speed. Frequency resolution is
limited to 100 kHz.
Minimum specified frequency is 2.1 GHz for model
Under GPIB control or via the front panel, up to 4 tables
with 2000 non-sequential frequency/power sets can be
stored and the addressed as a phase-locked step sweep.
One table of 2000 points is stored in non-volatile memory,
all other tables are stored in volatile memory.
Switching Time (typical maximum):
Units having a high-end frequency of ³20 GHz:
<25 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Units having a high-end frequency of 8.4 GHz:
<5 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Under GPIB control, up to 3202 non-sequential frequency/
power sets can be stored and then addressed as a
phase-locked step sweep. Data stored in volatile memory.
Switching Time (typical maximum):
Units having a high-end frequency of ³20 GHz:
<25 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Units having a high-end frequency of 8.4 GHz:
<5 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Up to 20 independent, settable markers (F0 – F9 and
M0 – M9).
Video Markers: +5V or –5V marker output, selectable
from system menus. AUX I/O connector, rear panel.
Intensity Markers (Available in Analog Sweeps of
<1 Second Sweep Time): Produces an intensified dot on
trace, obtained by momentary dwell in RF sweep.
Marker Accuracy: Same as sweep frequency accuracy.
Marker Resolution (Analog Sweep):
1 MHz or Sweep Width/4096, whichever is greater.
Marker Resolution (Step Sweep):
1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11)
Sweep triggering is provided for Analog Frequency Sweep,
Step Frequency Sweep, List Frequency Sweep, and CW
Power Sweep.
Auto: Triggers sweep automatically.
External: Triggers a sweep on the low to high transition of
an external TTL signal. AUX I/O connector, rear panel.
Single: Triggers, aborts, and resets a single sweep. Reset
sweep may be selected to be at the top or bottom of the
sweep. The pen lift will activate at sweep times ³1 second.
All specifications apply to the phase-locked CW and Step
Sweep modes at the lesser of +10 dBm output or maxi
mum specified leveled output power, unless otherwise
Harmonic and Harmonic Related:
0.1 Hz to 10 MHz (Option 22): <–30 dBc
10 MHz to £50 MHz: <–30 dBc
>50 MHz to £2 GHz: <–40 dBc
>2 GHz to £20 GHz: <–60 dBc
>20 GHz to £40 GHz: <–40 dBc
Harmonic and Harmonic Related (Models having a
high-end frequency of >40 GHz and units with Option
15A at maximum specified leveled output power):
10 MHz to £50 MHz: <–30 dBc
>50 MHz to £2 GHz: <–40 dBc
>2 GHz to £20 GHz: <–50 dBc
>20 GHz to £40 GHz: <–40 dBc
50 GHz units:
>40 GHz to £50 GHz: <–40 dBc
60 GHz units:
>40 GHz to £60 GHz: <–30 dBc
65 GHz units:
>40 GHz to £65 GHz: <–25 dBc
0.1 Hz to 10 MHz (Option 22): <–30 dBc
10 MHz to £2 GHz: <–40 dBc
>2 GHz to £65 GHz: <–60 dBc
B-2 681XXC OM