5. If the above steps were performed correctly, the problem could be a bad wire or termination, from the
24 volt transformer through the I/O J4 (top tumbler) or J3 (bottom tumbler) connector, or to the main
and lint drawer switches.
E. "dSFL" Condition
When the display reads "dSFL" it is an indication that there is a fault in the microprocessor's heat sensing
circuit. This circuit includes the microprocessor controller, the temperature sensor or the wires or connectors
leading to and from these two points.
1. Check to see if the 1/8 amp fuse located on the computer is blown. To verify check with an ohm
meter. If no continuity replace with P/N 136048 fuse. If fuse repeatedly blows out refer to step 4.
2. Replace the temperature sensor P/N 880111.
3. Discontinue power to the dryer. Disconnect the 9 pin connector from the computet top tumbler
(top connector) or bottom tumbler (bottom connector). The temperature sensor is wired to in pins
#7 and #8 of the 9 pin connector. Check for continuity on each wire from the 9 pin connector to
the temperature sensor connector above the lint screen. If there is no continuity on either one of
these two wires, the problem is a bad wire or termination between the computer to the tempera-
ture sensor bracket.
4. If the computer fuse repeatedly blows, there is a short in one of the sensor wires.