190-00357-00 Rev C
NAV Pages
NAV Pages
The map page is one of five or more pages avail-
The previous page shows
the organization of the main page groups. Addition-
ally, page groups for flight plans, procedures and
vertical navigation are available by pressing the key
corresponding to the desired function (FPL, PROC
or VNAV). Selecting one of these stand-alone page
groups, in effect, exits the main page groups and
displays a page for the desired function. When pressing
the same function key a second time, the
returns to the main page group and the previously
displayed page.
To select the desired NAV page, turn the small right
knob until the desired page is displayed.
If you are currently viewing a page that is not part
group using the CLR key. The number of Nav group
pages available varies with installed equipment.
To select the NAV group and display the Default
NAV Page, press and hold CLR.
groups of pages are available for waypoint information
ning or unit settings, and listings for nearest (NRST)
airports or other facilities.
1. To select the desired page group, turn the
large right knob until a page from the desired
group is displayed.
2. To select the desired page within the group,
turn the small right knob until the desired
page is displayed.
The bottom right corner of the screen indicates
the page group currently being displayed (e.g.,
NAV or NRST), the number of screens available
within that group (indicated by rectangular
icons) and the placement of the current screen
within that group (indicated by a highlighted
square icon). To select a different page within
the group, turn the small right knob.
See the 400W/500W Series Display Interfaces
Pilot’s Guide Addendum, part number 190-
00356-31 and the 400W/500W Series Garmin
Optional Displays Pilot’s Guide Addendum, part
number 190-00356-30.